About us

Complete service
We manage the entire logistics process, adjust the routes to the type of cargo, prepare the appropriate permits for oversized transport.
Years of experience
20 years of professional experience guarantees the execution of any order, even the most difficult.
Experienced team
A well-trained and committed team of specialists is responsible in our company for reliable, safe and timely execution of the entire logistics process.
Transport Ponadnormatywny

Mito Logistic

Leaders in oversized transport service

Mito Logistic offers professional solutions for oversized transportation. Our 20 years of professional experience guarantees the execution of every order, even the most difficult, at the highest level and with attention to the smallest detail. A well-trained and committed team of specialists is responsible in our company for the reliable, safe and timely execution of the entire logistics process of oversized cargo – from design to unloading at the destination.We use modern equipment to carry out individual orders.

The offer of Mito Logistic includes:

  • oversized pilotage,
  • transportation permits,
  • Road construction related to the preparation of, routes for the transport of oversized cargoes,
  • Logistic support of projects,
  • Equipment rental,
  • Transportation of rail vehicles,
  • CAD design.

From sketch to completion

Leaders in oversized transport service

The organization of oversized transports requires from us not only to plan the entire logistical process, adapt the route to the type of cargo, but also to take into account all the legal regulations governing this type of transport. Our company is also responsible for acquiring the necessary permits in force for the country through which the route passes.

Thanks to the trust of our existing partners and contractors, we carry out our services both in Poland and abroad. We successfully operate in Scandinavia, the Baltic States and the Mediterranean countries. In addition, we have expanded our operations to Indonesia, India and Turkiye. In these three countries, we handle and control deliveries from factories to ports and shiploads.

Mito Logistics as a reliable partner in escorting the transportation of oversized and heavy goods, we realize that inadequate actions can have serious financial consequences. We guarantee proper execution of even the most difficult transportation projects. Customer satisfaction is our trademark.

Mito Logistic Team

Name and surnamePositionMailPhone
Izabela WieczorekOwneroffice@mitoschwerlast.com
Maciej WieczorekOwner / CEOmaciej@mitoschwerlast.com+48 601-676-112
Dawid GalicaCOOdawid.galica@mitoschwerlast.com+48 577-849-003


Name and surnamePositionMailPhone
Jan ŁagodaProject managerjan.lagoda@mitoschwerlast.com+48 660-444-814
Jędrzej ZandeckiPilotage and permits
jedrzej.zandecki@mitoschwerlast.com+48 608-649-834
Paweł WalochRoad engeenering managerpawel.waloch@mitoschwerlast.com+48 507-175-269
Radosław ŚwitekFleet coordinatorradoslaw.switek@mitoschwerlast.com+48 660-444-817


Name and surnamePositionMailPhone
Adam JaneczkoSales department adam.janeczko@mitoschwerlast.com+48 692-799-144
Anton MatsuyBranch manager/Warsaw anton.matsuy@mitoschwerlast.com+48 784-414-173


Name and surnamePositionMailPhone
Małgorzata MądraChief accountantmalgorzata.madra@mitoschwerlast.com+48 538-404-792
Anna BielskaAccountant anna.bielska@mitoschwerlast.com+48 728-612-725
Karolina WalochOffice managerkarolina.waloch@mitoschwerlast.com+48 660-444-815
Filip WieczorekSales & quality controlfilip.wieczorek@mitoschwerlast.com+48 784-936-556