Road construction/ Preparation of the routes

Professional routes preparation

We adjust the conditions for transport

Implementation of an efficient and safe oversized transport requires a number of conditions to be met.

Upon receiving an order, one of the first tasks that our team of specialists undertakes is a very
through analysis of the entire vehicle route for the indicated abnormal vehicles. All obstacles and obstructions such as bridges, overpasses, traffic circles, sharp turns, narrowing, road signs, traffic lights or road works are taken into account. Identification of obstacles in the field shows that safe over-the-road transportation in some cases requires temporary changes to the road infrastructure.

The vast knowledge and experience of our team, as well as supporting the renewable energy
industry, shows how important the infrastructure of internal and public roads is to the entire
investment process .

Mito Logistic’s range of services includes the preparation of routes for the transport of oversized cargo. We carry out all construction work on the route of the vehicle, which removes the obstacles encountered. Our activities primarily involve the construction of new road sections and road infrastructure elements. We are engaged in the expansion or reconstruction of road intersections and highway interchanges. In addition, the modification of road infrastructure involves, for example, the dismantling of road signs, traffic lights, lamp posts.

Adapting all conditions for the safe transport of oversized loads to each individual order is our

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Service of Mito Logistic

Pilotarz Ponadnormatywny

We provide professional escort of oversize transports with our own fleet of pilot vehicles.

Budownictwo Drogowe

Adjusting road infrastructure elements for vehicle crossings that exceed standard parameters.

Obsługa Logistyczna Farm Wiatrowych

Comprehensive service of wind farms. Participation and support of customers already in the development period, consulting, participation in contacts with investors for servicing and installation.

Obsługa Logistyczna Projektów

We provide our partners with comfortable office space.

Your project prepared from A to Z.

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Comprehensive offer of Mito Logistics